Senin, 16 Oktober 2017

Role of The Mass In A Democratic Society

The Mass is one of the means for citizens to issue their thoughts and opinions as well as having an important role in a democracy. Meanwhile, the essence of democracy is the opportunity for aspiration and voice of the people (people) to influence a decision of Democratic. In also required the participation of the people, who emerged from the political consciousness to get involved and contribute to the system is governance

Mass is the fourth pillar of democracy after the executive, legislative and judicial. control over the mass as the third pillar and the underlying performance of checks and balances.
possibility of freedom of the mass capital agency  by capitalism and the political interests, encouraging the birth of citizen journalism.

The face of democracy itself visible on both sides. First, democracy as a reality of everyday life. Secondly, democracy as he imaged by Western media. On the one hand there is the image, on the other hand there is the reality.

The process of democratization in a country not just rely on the parliament, but also the mass media, which is a means of communication in both the government and the people, and the people with the people. The presence of the mass media, both print and electronic category has wide variety, both in terms of issues and a range of circulation or broadcast.

Access to information through the mass media is in line with the principles of democracy, where the transformation is complete and absolute open for the country adopts democracy, so that there is equitable distribution of information. However, in practice, many factors which hinder the process of communication, mainly due to the limitations of the mass media in reaching inland locations.

The existence of community radio is one answer to the search for solutions of the problems of access and deployment of communications, a common media jobs. In the development of community radio has a lot to prove its importance in the complicated problems of access to information and communication as well as the role of social control and run four other mass functions.

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