Senin, 16 Oktober 2017

Speech Text “Preserving Our Indigenous Language, Save Our Own Culture”

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

            Excellency the judges, the time keeper, and beloved all of the participants of English Speech Competition and all of the audiences.
            First of all, let say thanks to Allah SWT who always gives us some merciful and greatful so we can gather in this good opportunity, actually at this place without any problem at all. Shalawat and Salam always rise up to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who had guided us from the darkness to the lightness, and from a stupidity generation into smart generations as we’ve seen nowadays.
Ladies and gentlemen,
            At this good opportunity, I would like to deliver speech with the title “Preserving Our Indigenous Language, Save Our Own Culture”. My friends, if you want to know about it more. So, listen to me well.
            Friends, we life in Indonesia, as we know well, our country has many cultures. It’s include of languages, arts, tribes, traditional houses, traditional dresses, foods and etc. Our country has many kinds of heritage, one example of it had been included of 7 Wonder of The World, that is Borobudur Temple. Those are Indonesian icons. No wonder, some tourists interested to visit our country because of our culture and icon. But, how ironic, now some of our culture is extinct and decreased along the influence of the development of technology and globalization era. Those icon and culture almost extinct and changed with new culture who known as western culture, especially our language, some of our indigenous language is extinct and changed with another language.
            Preserving our indigenous language is important for us as a citizen of Indonesia, because it’s our culture and it’s our icon that we should save it. As we know well, recently our indigenous language in every province had been changed with teenagers language who known as “Bahasa Alay”, yes, many people especially Indonesian teenagers know that language. So, what’s the thing that can make many Indonesian teenagers forget with their own Indigenous language? What’s the matter with Indonesian teenagers? And why they prefer choose their own language than indigenous language? It’s must be the influence of the advanced technology. Through technology like hand phone we can open up with worldwide even we can connected with another country, but we should save our indigenous language. Because remember it’s our assets. Sure we can use a technology because it’s our right, but we still need to preserve our own indigenous language.
            Friends, we must proud with our own indigenous language, we have so much variety of indigenous language in Indonesia. Remember, it’s ours, and it’s our ancestor heritage, we are the generations who have a mission to save our own Indigenous language, it’s our challenge. If we won’t save it. So, who else will save our own indigenous language? It’s impossible if we must give it to another country for free and will be loved if it lost without any reasons. So, save our own indigenous language, and it means we save our own culture.
Ladies and gentlemen,
There is anonymous quote related with my speech, it said that “You will be the good ones if you use another country’s language, but you will be the best ones if you can speak fluently with your own country’s language”. It means that we need to love everything from our country, as an effort to love our country.
That’s all my speech, I hope it will be useful for you all. For more, you can take the benefits in every vintage point of my speech. Thank you for your attention, and I beg your apologize if there are any mistakes in every word I said.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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